Gramshree Meets Paryavaran Mitra…

This saturday special, organised at Mausal- RUPA Paryavaran Mitra Center, was indeed very special. It was an absolute pleasure to have group of women from our sister organisation Gramshree visiting Paryavaran Mitra.
Gramshree is an NGO which aims to empower women from slum communities by enhancing their livelihood activities by providing them different skillsets.
The main purpose of the visit was to spread awareness about the phenomenal service done by Paryavaran Mitras for our society and the mother Earth. Also, to encourage learning based on sharings among the women from two similar socio-economic background but completely different professions.
In session, we had some deep sharings & discussions on one end and well thought games for fun & laughter on the other. Gramshree sisters were impressively anchored by Neetaben and Anamikaben.
We look forward to more such sessions.

Volunteer voices

Volunteers have been a strong supportive force of Paryavaran Mitra.